Monday, 23 January 2017

Newsletter Spring 2017

St George’s Pre-School (Benfleet) Ltd

Newsletter Spring 2017

Phone number 07743 038405

Welcome back and hope you all had a lovely Christmas.

Please ensure your child is warmly dressed as the hall can be a bit draughty at times. If your child comes to Pre-school in boots, could you please change them into their trainers. Please ensure that all belongings are clearly labelled.

In the event of snow, we will do our best to remain open, but if in doubt please ring Pre-school. (In general, as a guide, if the local schools are closed then we will be.) We will also try to post information on our Facebook page once we know what is happening.

The theme for this term is “Our Planet”. We will be looking at animals from the desert, animals who live in the jungle and in icy places and creatures who live in the sea. The children have helped to colour the wall display and will be making a variety of creatures throughout the term. We will also celebrate Chinese New Year, Mother’s Day and Easter.

Thank you to everyone who donated clothes to our Clothes Collection in November. We made £73.15!!! If anyone would like us to have another collection before the summer holidays, please let us know.

We would also like to thank everyone who came to our coffee mornings last term. We raised a total of £59 from cake donations and £58 from our Christmas Raffle. The money went towards the Christmas Party which all the children really enjoyed!!

This term we have Tempest Photos and our usual coffee mornings. If anyone is willing to make some cakes, we would really appreciate it.

Finally, don’t forget to visit our Facebook page to see what’s been happening in Pre-school. Please share with as many people as you can!! Thank you!


Dates for your diary.

Half term: Friday 10th February 2017 to Friday 17th February. (Inclusive.

Tempest Photos: Tuesday 7th March. Siblings welcome. (Letter to follow.)

Coffee mornings: Wednesday 22nd March and Thursday 23rd March. 9am to 10.30.

Last day of term: Friday 31st March 2017.

Summer term begins on Tuesday 18th April 2017.


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