Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Newsletter Autumn 2017

Newsletter Autumn 2017

Phone number 07743 038405

Visit our Facebook Page!


Welcome to all our parent/carers and children to the new Autumn term. All children have been allocated a key person and we hope you will get to know them over the coming months. If you do not know who your keyperson is please see Sally and Lynne.


Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately, particularly as the hall can be a bit draughty in winter. If your child comes to Pre-school in boots please change them when you arrive. Please, please label your child’s coats, bags etc.


In the event of snow we will do our best to remain open but if in doubt please ring the above number. As a general rule, if the local schools close then we will close.


This term’s theme is Autumn. We are exploring animals, harvest, Diwali, Remembrance Day, firework night and Christmas. We will be introducing the children to words such as; hibernation, harvest, different weather words and different faiths and cultures. Our Church Vicar, Anthony, will bring his guitar along to sing songs and explain the Christmas story. The term is rounded off with a lovely Christmas party for the children.


Please continue to support us with your contributions of fruit. The children love it and it is a great time for them to chat to each other about what they have been doing.


Our coffee mornings will be held on Wednesday 29th November and Thursday 30th November from 9am to 10.30. All parent/carers are invited to stay for coffee and homemade cakes. This is a great opportunity to watch your child at play and even join in, talk to the staff and your keyworker, and meet the other parents. We ask for a small donation towards refreshments and all monies raised will go towards the children’s Christmas party.


If your child is starting school in September 2018, please be aware that all applications must be submitted to Essex County Council by January 2018.


Fundraising is an essential part of pre-school life. It helps to pay for new equipment and resources for the children. At our Christmas coffee mornings, we will be holding a raffle. If anyone would like to donate raffle prizes they will be greatly appreciated. Details to follow.

Next term we hope to organise a clothes collection event before February half term, so please save all your unwanted clothes, shoes, bags and even sheets and duvet covers. Green bags will be given out nearer the time.


If anyone has any great fundraising ideas we are always open to suggestions, and don’t forget the Easy Fundraising website for all your online Christmas shopping.


Lastly, it is with sadness that we say good bye to Mandy, who is retiring after 16 years of working at pre-school. The staff and children will miss her, and we hope she enjoys her retirement.


Dates for your Diary

Half term holiday: Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October 2017

Coffee mornings: Wednesday 29th November and Thursday 30th November (9am to 10.30)

Children’s Christmas party and last day of term: Friday 15th December (times to follow)

Spring term begins: Monday 8th January 2018.



Thursday, 20 April 2017

Newsletter Summer 2017

St George’s Pre-school (Benfleet) Ltd

Newsletter Summer 2017

Phone number 07743 038405

Welcome back and hope you all had a lovely Easter!

Please can you make sure your child’s coats, bags, etc. are clearly labelled.  Although this is the summer term, please continue to send your child in trainer-like shoes, rather than sandals which can be dangerous on the play equipment. Thank you!

If the weather is hot please make sure that you put sun cream on your child before coming to pre-school.

Our theme this term is “Stories, songs and rhymes”. We will be looking at the way stories are structured, the characters and plot of a story, how we handle and use books, letters, words and how words carry meaning. We will be exploring rhyming words and singing songs and nursery rhymes. 

We would like to thank everyone for their support with our fundraising events! We raised £68 for the photos and £86 from our coffee mornings!

This term we hope to hold a sponsored nature hunt as the children really enjoyed this last year. If we can make enough money we would like to replace our rocking horse!!

If anyone would like us to hold another clothes collection before the summer holidays please let us know.

We are hoping to hold a bouncy fun day as an end of term treat for the children. This will be held in our hall during normal session time. Details to follow!!

The photographer will be visiting pre-school in June to take graduation photos of the children who are moving on to school in September. Details to follow.

During the week commencing 12th June we will be holding Stay and Play days for dads and grandads, to celebrate Father’s Day at the end of the week. Letters to follow!

Dates for your diary.

Monday 1st May: closed for Bank holiday

Thursday 4th May: closed for Polling

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June: half term holiday

Week commencing Monday 12th June: Dads Stay and Play Days

Wednesday 21st June: graduation photos

Wednesday 28th June and Thursday 29th June: coffee mornings

Thursday 6th July: Bouncy Fun Day (to be confirmed)

Tuesday 18th July: Last day of term


Autumn term begins: Wednesday 6th September 2017


Please note: if there is a general election on the 8th June pre-school will have to close.


Monday, 23 January 2017

Newsletter Spring 2017

St George’s Pre-School (Benfleet) Ltd

Newsletter Spring 2017

Phone number 07743 038405

Welcome back and hope you all had a lovely Christmas.

Please ensure your child is warmly dressed as the hall can be a bit draughty at times. If your child comes to Pre-school in boots, could you please change them into their trainers. Please ensure that all belongings are clearly labelled.

In the event of snow, we will do our best to remain open, but if in doubt please ring Pre-school. (In general, as a guide, if the local schools are closed then we will be.) We will also try to post information on our Facebook page once we know what is happening.

The theme for this term is “Our Planet”. We will be looking at animals from the desert, animals who live in the jungle and in icy places and creatures who live in the sea. The children have helped to colour the wall display and will be making a variety of creatures throughout the term. We will also celebrate Chinese New Year, Mother’s Day and Easter.

Thank you to everyone who donated clothes to our Clothes Collection in November. We made £73.15!!! If anyone would like us to have another collection before the summer holidays, please let us know.

We would also like to thank everyone who came to our coffee mornings last term. We raised a total of £59 from cake donations and £58 from our Christmas Raffle. The money went towards the Christmas Party which all the children really enjoyed!!

This term we have Tempest Photos and our usual coffee mornings. If anyone is willing to make some cakes, we would really appreciate it.

Finally, don’t forget to visit our Facebook page to see what’s been happening in Pre-school. Please share with as many people as you can!! Thank you!


Dates for your diary.

Half term: Friday 10th February 2017 to Friday 17th February. (Inclusive.

Tempest Photos: Tuesday 7th March. Siblings welcome. (Letter to follow.)

Coffee mornings: Wednesday 22nd March and Thursday 23rd March. 9am to 10.30.

Last day of term: Friday 31st March 2017.

Summer term begins on Tuesday 18th April 2017.