St George’s Pre-school (Benfleet) Ltd
Summer 2015
Phone number 07743 038405
Website address:
- Welcome back everyone! We hope you enjoyed your Easter holiday!
- This terms theme is “Stories, songs and rhymes”. We will be looking at a variety of children’s stories, their characters, how stories are structured, how we handle and use books, and letters, words and how words carry meaning. The children will be making characters from the stories, songs and rhymes as well as singing the songs etc in circle time.
- Please ensure that your child is wearing suitable trainers for physical play activities, for both indoor and outdoor play. Please label all coats, jumpers and bags clearly as it can be distressing for your child if they cannot find their belongings.
- If the weather is hot please make sure you put sun cream on your child before coming to pre-school.
- We would like to thank everyone for their support with our fundraising events!! We raised £61 from the photos and £120 from our coffee mornings!! This will be spent on new equipment etc for the children. So far we have bought a variety of Peppa Pig weebles which the children love!!
- As our end of term treat for our children we will be holding a bouncy fun day in July. This will be held in our hall during normal session time. We will have a bouncy castle, a ball pool and many other soft play toys. Details to follow.
- We are hoping to hold a curry night this term. This is always a very enjoyable event and raises lots of money for pre-school!!! Why not ask your friends and family to make up a table with you? Last year this was organised by two lovely parents who did an amazing job!!! If anyone would be kind enough to offer this year please see Lynne or Sally!
Dates for your diary.
Monday 4th
May: closed for Bank holiday
Thursday 7th
May: closed for Polling
May to Friday 29th May: Half term holiday
Thursday 2nd
July: Bouncy fun day (details to follow)
Wednesday 8th
and Thursday 9th July: Last coffee mornings this term!!!
Parent consultations and
children’s journal viewing to be held during the course of the morning.
Thursday 16th
July: Last day of term
Autumn terms
starts: Monday 7th September 2015
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