Thursday, 8 October 2015

Ofsted Inspection June 2015

Ofsted Inspection June 2015


We are pleased to announce that we received a “good” judgement in our Ofsted Inspection in June 2015. The Inspector reported on the “rich and vibrant learning environment where children happily enjoy a stimulating programme of activities”. She commented on the warm, welcoming and nurturing relationship between the staff and the children.   Consequently children flourish and develop the skills they need for transition to school.  The Inspector noted that the supervisors and their team are committed to the “continual development of the whole provision.”  She was pleased to see that our parent/carer and staff relationship was open and strong.

If you would like to read the full report, please visit the Ofsted website.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Newsletter Autumn 2015

St George’s Pre-school Newsletter Autumn 2015

Phone number 07743 038405

Website address:


We would like to welcome all our parent/carers and children to the new Autumn term. All children have been allocated a key person who will be working specifically with them. If you do not know who your key person is please ask Sally or Lynne.

Please ensure that your child is warmly dressed as the hall can be a bit draughty at times. If your child comes to Pre-school in boots please change them into trainers and dress them appropriately for outdoor play. Please please please label all coats and bags with child’s name to avoid tears (from children and adults!!!)

In the event of snow we will do our best to remain open but if in doubt please ring the above number.

The theme this term is Colours, Numbers and Shapes. We are looking at the shapes around us, shape names, number names and counting, and all the colours of the rainbow. We are celebrating Eid with a feast of flat bread, cous cous and minted yoghourt. We will be exploring fire work night and Poppy day, along with Divali and Christmas. Our church vicar brings his guitar along to explain the Christmas story and sings children’s Christmas songs. Towards the end of term we will have a lovely Christmas party for the children!!


Please continue to support us with your weekly contributions of fruit. The children love it and it is a great time for them to chat to each other about what they have been doing etc.


Our coffee mornings will be held on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th November from 9am to 10.30. All parent/carers are invited to stay for coffee and homemade cakes. This is a great opportunity to watch your child at play and even join in, talk to the staff and your keyworker, and meet the other parents. We only ask for a small donation towards refreshments. All monies raised will go towards the children’s Christmas party.


If your child is starting school in September 2016 please be aware that all applications must be submitted to Essex County Council by January 2016. There is a notice in Pre-school outlining how to gain the information you need to apply.

Fundraising is an important part of Pre-school life. It helps pay for new equipment and resources for the children. Next term we will be holding a clothes collection event so please save all your unwanted clothes, bags, shoes and even sheets and duvet covers. Green collection bags will be given out next term. We normally raise around £100 so this is a really good fundraising event!!

We have a large “penny pot” which we are filling up, so if you have any spare coins we are sure your child would enjoy putting them in our pot!!

If anyone has any great fundraising ideas we are always open to suggestions and don’t forget the Easy Fundraising web site for all your on-line shopping.


Dates for your diary

Half term holiday: Monday 26th October to Friday 30st October

Coffee Mornings: Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th November 

Children’s Christmas Party: Thursday 10th December. Details to follow.

Last day of term: Tuesday 15th December

Spring term starts: Wednesday 6th January 2016                              



Please keep these dates to hand.



Monday, 20 April 2015

Summer 2015 Newsletter

St George’s Pre-school (Benfleet) Ltd Newsletter

                       Summer 2015

Phone number 07743 038405


  • Welcome back everyone! We hope you enjoyed your Easter holiday!
  • This terms theme is “Stories, songs and rhymes”. We will be looking at a variety of children’s stories, their characters, how stories are structured, how we handle and use books, and letters, words and how words carry meaning. The children will be making characters from the stories, songs and rhymes as well as singing the songs etc in circle time.
  • Please ensure that your child is wearing suitable trainers for physical play activities, for both indoor and outdoor play. Please label all coats, jumpers and bags clearly as it can be distressing for your child if they cannot find their belongings.
  • If the weather is hot please make sure you put sun cream on your child before coming to pre-school.
  • We would like to thank everyone for their support with our fundraising events!! We raised £61 from the photos and £120 from our coffee mornings!! This will be spent on new equipment etc for the children. So far we have bought a variety of Peppa Pig weebles which the children love!!
  • As our end of term treat for our children we will be holding a bouncy fun day in July. This will be held in our hall during normal session time. We will have a bouncy castle, a ball pool and many other soft play toys. Details to follow.
  • We are hoping to hold a curry night this term. This is always a very enjoyable event and raises lots of money for pre-school!!! Why not ask your friends and family to make up a table with you? Last year this was organised by two lovely parents who did an amazing job!!! If anyone would be kind enough to offer this year please see Lynne or Sally!

Dates for your diary.

Monday 4th May: closed for Bank holiday

Thursday 7th May: closed for Polling

Monday25th May to Friday 29th May: Half term holiday

Thursday 2nd July: Bouncy fun day (details to follow)

Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th July: Last coffee mornings this term!!!

                 Parent consultations and children’s journal viewing to be held during the course of the morning.

Thursday 16th July: Last day of term


Autumn terms starts: Monday 7th September 2015

Friday, 6 February 2015

Spring 2015 Newsletter

  • Welcome back and hope you all had a lovely Christmas.
  • Please ensure your child is warmly dressed as the hall can be a bit draughty at times. If your child comes to pre-school in boots please change them into their trainers.
  • The children are still really enjoying the fruit table, thank you for your continued support.
  • In the event of snow we will do our best to remain open, but if in doubt please ring the above number. (In general, as a guide,  if the local schools are closed then we will be.)
  • The theme for this term is British Wildlife so the craft work that comes home should resemble an animal of some kind!!!! We are looking at the animals and their environments. We will also celebrate Chinese New Year, Mother’s day and Easter.
  • We would like to thank everyone who has helped with our fundraising events last term. So far this year we have raised £305!!!! You may have noticed the large plastic coke bottle next to the names. If you have any unwanted change please donate it!! This was a fundraising idea from a parent at our AGM. Please do not forget the “Easy fundraising” site for online shopping. It’s surprising how it all mounts up!
  • This term we have Tempest Photos and our usual coffee mornings. Details to follow. We hope to hold a curry night early next term. If anyone is willing to help arrange it please see Sally or Lynne.

Dates for your Diary:

Half term: Monday 16th February to Monday 23rd February 2015

Children back on Tuesday 24th February 2015.

Tempest Photos: Tuesday 10th March. Siblings welcome.
Coffee mornings for Parent/carers: Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th March

Spring holiday/Easter: begins Monday 30th March to Friday 10th April.

Summer Term  begins: Monday 13th April 2015.