St George’s Pre-school (Benfleet) Ltd
Newsletter Summer 2017
Phone number
07743 038405
Welcome back
and hope you all had a lovely Easter!
Please can
you make sure your child’s coats, bags, etc. are clearly labelled. Although this is the summer term, please
continue to send your child in trainer-like shoes, rather than sandals which
can be dangerous on the play equipment. Thank you!
If the
weather is hot please make sure that you put sun cream on your child before
coming to pre-school.
Our theme
this term is “Stories, songs and rhymes”. We will be looking at the way stories
are structured, the characters and plot of a story, how we handle and use books,
letters, words and how words carry meaning. We will be exploring rhyming words
and singing songs and nursery rhymes.
We would
like to thank everyone for their support with our fundraising events! We raised
£68 for the photos and £86 from our coffee mornings!
This term we
hope to hold a sponsored nature hunt as the children really enjoyed this last
year. If we can make enough money we would like to replace our rocking horse!!
If anyone
would like us to hold another clothes collection before the summer holidays
please let us know.
We are
hoping to hold a bouncy fun day as an end of term treat for the children. This
will be held in our hall during normal session time. Details to follow!!
photographer will be visiting pre-school in June to take graduation photos of
the children who are moving on to school in September. Details to follow.
During the
week commencing 12th June we will be holding Stay and Play days for
dads and grandads, to celebrate Father’s Day at the end of the week. Letters to
Dates for your diary.
Monday 1st
May: closed for Bank holiday
Thursday 4th
May: closed for Polling
Monday 29th
May to Friday 2nd June: half term holiday
commencing Monday 12th June: Dads Stay and Play Days
Wednesday 21st
June: graduation photos
Wednesday 28th
June and Thursday 29th June: coffee mornings
Thursday 6th
July: Bouncy Fun Day (to be confirmed)
Tuesday 18th
July: Last day of term
Autumn term
begins: Wednesday 6th September 2017
Please note:
if there is a general election on the 8th June pre-school will have
to close.