Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Newsletter Autumn 2016

St George’s Pre-school Newsletter Autumn 2016

Phone number 07743 038405

View our Facebook page.


Welcome to all our parent/carers and children to the new Autumn term. All children have been allocated a key person and we hope you will get to know them over the coming months. If you do not know who your child’s key person is, please see Sally and Lynne.


Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately, particularly as the hall can be a bit draughty in winter. If your child comes to Pre-school in boots please change them when you arrive. If you require name tags for your children’s belongings, there is a school shop at the Shafer’s Arcade who will print them while you wait for a very reasonable price. Please label coats, bags etc. to avoid tears (from children and adults!!!!)


In the event of snow, we will do our best to remain open but if in doubt please ring the above number. As a general rule, if the local schools close then we will close.


This terms theme is “Colours, Numbers and Shapes”. We are exploring colours through pencils, crayon, paints and glueing, looking at colours in the environment, shapes in the environment and what shapes are used for.  We will be using number names in our games and play to reinforce the children’s learning. We will also be celebrating a variety of events, including Firework night, Poppy day and of course Diwali and Christmas! Our Church Vicar, Anthony, will bring his guitar along to sing songs and explain the Christmas story. The term is rounded off with a lovely Christmas Party for the children.


Please continue to support us with your weekly contributions of fruit. The children love it and it is a great time for them to chat to each other about what they have been doing etc.


Our coffee mornings will be held on Wednesday 30th November and Thursday 1st December, from 9am to 10.30. All parent/carers are invited to stay for coffee and homemade cakes. This is a great opportunity to watch your child at play and even join in, talk to the staff and your key worker, and meet the other parents. We ask for a small donation towards refreshments and all monies raised will go towards the children’s Christmas party. Our Christmas raffle tickets will be on sale at this time (Details to follow.)


If your child is starting school in September 2017, please be aware that all applications must be submitted to Essex County Council by January 2017.


Fundraising is an important and essential part of pre-school life!! It helps to pay for new equipment and resources for the children. Next term we will be holding a clothes collection event so please save all your unwanted clothes, bags, shoes and even sheets and duvet covers. Green collection bags will be given out next term.


If anyone has any great fund raising ideas we are always open to suggestions, and don’t forget the Easy Fundraising website for all your on-line Christmas shopping!!!

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising activities last term!!! We made £660!!!! Thank you so much! We will let you know as soon as we have chosen some new equipment for the children.


Dates for your diary

Half term holiday: Monday 24th October to Friday 28th October 2016

Coffee mornings: Wednesday 30th November and Thursday 1st December (9am to 10.30)

Children’s Christmas Party: Friday 16th December (details to follow)

Last day of term: Friday 16th December 2016

Spring term begins: Monday 9th January 2017.