Monday, 15 August 2016

Events in Pre-school cont'd

At the  end of term the children took part in a sponsored Scavenger Hunt!! We looked for flowers, bugs and clouds etc in our outdoor play area and the Church gardens. We raised £494 which will be spent on new equipment for the children. Thank you to everyone who sponsored the children!!

Events in Pre-school cont'd

We held a street party for the children to celebrate the Queen's birthday.


Summer 2016's theme was Transport. The children made this wonderful collage. Each week they made a different vehicle to take home.

Events in Pre-school cont'd

The children made a beautiful birthday card for the Queen and we received this lovely reply from the Queen's Lady in Waiting.

Events at St George's Pre-school over the last few months!

March 2016 coffee mornings for Parent/carers.


The children made this picture of the Queen for our wall display to celebrate her 90th birthday!