Sunday, 24 April 2016

Newsletter Summer 2016

St George’s Pre-school (Benfleet) Ltd Newsletter

                       Summer 2016

Phone number 07743 038405


Visit our website on or see our Facebook page.


Welcome back everyone! We hope you enjoyed your Easter holiday.

This term’s theme is “Transport”. We will be looking at buses, taxis, trains, diggers, ambulances, fire engines etc!! Why not look out for these while you are out and about with your children!


We would like to thank everyone who helped with this term’s fundraising. We made:

 Clothes collection £72.66

Coffee mornings £168.74!!!!

Scrabble word Art Raffle £21.00

Tempest photos £67.92

What an amazing term!!!!!! Thanks again and keep it up.


As you will know, we have recently had our photo in the local newspaper. The children made a card for the Queen and a collage for our display board in Pre-school. In June we will be holding a “street party” for all our children (details to follow.)


We now have our very own Facebook page, thanks to Lisa Read (Joshua’s Mum), who put it together for us!! Please visit it, share it, and like it!!


In June Tempest Photos will be returning for Graduation photos for children who will be leaving to go to school. (Details to follow.)


As our end of term treat for our children we will be holding a bouncy fun day in July. This will be held in our hall during normal session time. (To be confirmed. Details to follow.)


Coffee mornings will be held on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th July, when you will have the opportunity to speak to a member of staff about your child’s development. If anyone would like to make some cakes, we would really appreciate it!!!


Please ensure that you put sun cream on your child in the summer, before coming to Pre-school, as we hope to get outside as much as possible. Please put your child in “grippy” footwear suitable for indoor and outdoor play. (No open toed sandals.)


Dates for your Diary. (Please keep)

Monday 2nd May: closed for Bank holiday

Thursday 5th May: closed for polling

Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June: half term holiday

Friday 10th June: “Queen’s street party”

Thursday 23rd June: closed for polling

Wednesday 29th June: Leaver’s graduation photos

Thursday 7th July: Bouncy fun day? (to be confirmed)

Wednesday 13th July and Thursday 14th July: Last coffee mornings this term!!

Friday 15th July: Last day of term


Autumn term starts: Tuesday 6th September 2016