St George’s Pre-School (Benfleet) Ltd
Newsletter Spring 2016
Phone number
07743 038405
Welcome back and hope you all had a lovely Christmas.
Please ensure your child is warmly dressed as the hall can
be a bit draughty at times. If your child comes to Pre-school in boots, could
you please change them into their trainers. Please ensure that all belongings
are clearly labelled.
In the event of snow, we will do our best to remain open,
but if in doubt please ring Pre-school. (In general, as a guide, if the local
schools are closed then we will be.)
The theme for this term is “Animals”. We are looking at
animals in the jungle, on the farm, our pets and in the country. We will also
celebrate Chinese New Year, Mother’s Day and Easter.
We will be holding a Clothes Collection in February. If you
are thinking of sorting your wardrobe ready for spring, bag up your clothes and
bring them to Pre-school after half term!! Green bags will be given out nearer
the time. Many thanks!
We would like to hold a curry night in aid of fundraising,
either this term or next. If you are interested in coming, please let us know.
Why not get a table together with friends and family? If any parent/carers are
willing to organise this, please let us know!!!
We would like to thank everyone who helped with our
fundraising events last term. We raised a total of £195!!!. The money went
towards the Christmas Party which all the children really enjoyed!!
This term we have Tempest Photos and our usual coffee
mornings. If anyone is willing to make some cakes, we would really appreciate
it. We will also be having a visit from “Zoolab” again, who will bring and show
a variety of small animals to the children, using the animals to tell a story.
A letter will be sent out in due course. All Pre-school children will be
invited, regardless of the days they attend.
Finally, to advertise our Pre-school would any parent/carers
be willing to post a nice comment on the website. This would be
greatly appreciated.
Dates for your diary.
Half term: Monday 15th February 2016 to Friday 19th
Clothes collection: week commencing 22nd
Zoolab Experience: Tuesday 8th March. Letter to
Tempest Photos: Thursday 10th March. Siblings
welcome. (Letter to follow.)
Coffee mornings: Wednesday 16th March and
Thursday 17th March. 9am to 10.30.
Last day of term: Thursday 24 March 2016
Summer term begins on Monday 11th April 2016