Sunday, 5 October 2014

Autumn Term Newsletter 2014

We would like to welcome all our parent/carers and children to the new Autumn term. All children have been allocated a key person who will be working specifically with them. If you do not know who your key person is please ask Sally or Lynne.

Please ensure that your child is warmly dressed as the hall can be a bit draughty at times. If your child comes to Pre-school in boots please change them into trainers and dress them appropriately for outdoor play. Please please please label all coats and bags with child’s name to avoid tears (from children and adults!!!)

In the event of snow we will do our best to remain open but if in doubt please ring the above number.

The theme this term is Seasons. We are looking at all types of weather and how it affects us in different ways. We are looking at harvest, making scarecrows and tractors, playing with the farm. We have celebrated Eid with a feast of flat bread, cous cous and minted yoghourt. We will be exploring fire work night and Poppy day, along with Divali and Christmas. Our church vicar brings his guitar along to explain the Christmas story and sings children’s Christmas songs. Our term will end with a lovely Christmas party for the children!!


Please continue to support us with your weekly contributions of fruit. The children love it and it is a great time for them to chat to each other about what they have been doing etc.


Our first fundraising activity this term will be clothes collections the week commencing Monday 3rd November. Why not have a clear out during half term and make a bit of money for Pre-school at the same time!! Sacks will be given out before the half term holiday.


Last year we had lots of very successful fundraising events with great support from our parent/carers. Details of how much we raised and what we bought will be given at our AGM.


Our coffee mornings will be held on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th November from 9am to 10.30. All parent/carers are invited to stay for coffee and homemade cakes. This is a great opportunity to watch your child at play and even join in, talk to the staff and your keyworker, and meet the other parents. We only ask for a small donation towards refreshments. All monies raised will go towards the children’s Christmas party.


Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 11th November 2015 at 9.15, lasting approximately one hour. This will be held in our small hall. Please come and support us!!!


Dates for your diary

Half term holiday: Monday 27th October to Friday 31st October

 Fundraising Clothes Collections: Week commencing 3rd November for collection on Friday 7th November

AGM: Tuesday 11th November 2014

Coffee Mornings: Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th November 

Children’s Christmas Party: Friday 12th December. Details to follow.

Last day of term: Tuesday 16th December

Spring term starts: Wednesday 7th January 2015                              






Monday, 9 June 2014

Summer term newsletter 2014

Here we are again in the last term of this school year!!!

Our theme this term is "Here comes summer!" We will be looking at all things to do with the summer, such as insects, flowers and plants, the weather, holidays and summer treats. At Pre-school the children have made a bug box and planted seeds. They have also planted their own sunflower seeds to take home and are now showing us photos of their beautiful plants!!!

The children are enjoying a wonderful selection of fruit and vegetables which has very kindly been donated by our parent/carers.

Fundraising this year has been very successful and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped!
We have bought play items such as chalk boards for our outdoor play area, a den, musical instruments, a new camera and memory card, table top activities and some outdoor signs. Wow!! Again, a big thank you to you all!

Dates for your diary.

11th and 12th  June - Stay and play days for male parent/carers.
25th June - Tempest Leavers Photos
Thursday 3rd July - Bouncy Fun Day! Details to follow.
9th and 10th July - Coffee mornings for parent/carers and parent consultations.
Thursday 17th July - Last day of term
Monday 8th September - First day of term.

We would like to wish our children moving on to school lots of luck for the future.
Have a wonderful summer holiday!!