Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Summer 2013 Newsletter

Welcome back everyone! We hope you enjoyed your Easter break despite the weather!!
  • Many children still do not have their name on their outer clothing. This can cause them distress so please ensure all clothing is labelled.
  • Please put sun cream on your child before pre-school whenever necessary.
  • This terms theme is "Movement". We are exploring the way living creatures and man-made things move and learning new words to describe these movements.
  • Thank you for your continued support with fund raising. Please see the fund raising thermometer to see how much we have raised towards our new fencing for our outdoor play area. Thank you to everyone who supported our Curry Night. A special thank you to Cheryl Coomber and Karen Barton for all their help in organising this event and procuring the raffle prizes. We Raised £347!!!!!!
Dates for your diary.

Half term holiday: Monday 27th May 2013 to Tuesday4th June
Bouncy Fun Day for all pre-school children (details to follow): Thursday 4th July
Last coffee mornings this term: Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th July
      (These will include parent consultations and the children's learning journal viewing.)
Last day of term: Thursday 18th July

Autumn term starts on Wednesday 4th September 2013.

The staff at St George's Pre-school would like to send their best wishes to all our children who will be moving on to school and hope you all have a lovely summer break!!