The staff of St George's Pre-school would like to welcome all our children, parents and carers. We hope you enjoyed your summer holidays!!
Our theme this term is Colours. We will be exploring colours through our craft projects, Divali, firework night and Christmas.We would appreciate any support you can give us by reinforcing colours at every opportunity with your child. We hope the children will find this experience great fun!
We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 23rd October 2012 at 9.15 in Pre-school. We have changed the time of this meeting (from an evening meeting) in the hope that parent/carers may find this an easier time to attend. If your child does not attend pre-school that morning you are welcome to leave them with the pre-school assistants for the duration of the meeting. We value your comments and your support so please write this in your diary!!
We will be holding a fundraising Clothes Collection the week commencing 22nd October so if you are having a clear out please think of us. Sacks available from pre-school or just use a black sack!!
Thank you for your continuing support in supplying fruit and vegetables for the children. They really enjoy this!!
Dates for your diary
- Week commencing 22nd October: Fundraising clothes collection.
- Tuesday 23rd October 9.15: Annual General Meeting.
- Monday 29th October to Friday 2nd November: Half term holiday.
- Thursday 15th November: Hall closed. No normal session.
- Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th November: Coffee Mornings.
- Friday 14th December: Children's Christmas Party 10.30 to 12.30.
- Friday 14th December: Last day of term.