Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Recent Events

Our 40th anniversary buffet lunch was a great success with a visit from the Mayor, members of the community and St George's church and approximately sixty children and parent/carers from past and present!! We had a lovely photo in the Echo and a memorable time was had by all. The children's party will be on 18th July with a show by Papalarni.

We will be holding a Bouncy Fun Day on Thursday 5th July for all the children, with a bouncy castle, a ball pool and soft play toys.

Coffee mornings will be held on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th July. All parent/carers are welcome. The Learning Journals will be on displayed and parent consultations will be available on request. The eating of cakes is compulsory!!!

In April we had some excellent in-house Makaton training for all staff. In September we are hoping to start "sign of the week" to introduce all children to Makaton sign language. This is used to assist communication skills (one of the Prime Areas of the Revised EYFS).

We have attended various training courses on the Revised EYFS and will be implementing it in September. If you would like to view these changes please visit:

Another useful website for parent/carers to aid communication skills is

Wow! Board.
This is a new notice board in pre-school to share wow factor news from parent/carers, children and staff with everyone. If you have any news e.g. new baby, swimming certificate  etc please come and tell us.