Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Summer 2012 Newsletter

Welcome back everyone! We look forward to getting to know our new members over the coming weeks.

This terms theme is "Celebrations". We will be looking at the Olympics, the Queen's Jubilee and our own very special 40th Anniversary!

We will be holding a Buffet Lunch on Wednesday 13th June, for children, parent/carers and staff, both past and present. Invites will be sent out shortly but if you would like to join us please give us a call!

The last day of this term is Wednesday 18th July, when we will be holding a party for all pre-school children with Papalarni, to celebrate our anniversary.

We would like to thank everyone for their support with fundraising for pre-school. Our sponsored Olympic Event raised £280!!! We have made a fundraising thermometer to show you the amount raised and what we have bought so far. One of our parents is very kindly organising a boot sale for pre-school so if you have any unwanted bits and bobs please bring them in. We are also hoping to organise a clothes collections week commencing Monday 21st May. Sacks available from pre-school.

Dates for your diary

Monday 7th May: closed for Bank holiday
21st to 25thMay: Clothes collection
Monday 4th June to Friday 8th June: Half term holiday
Wednesday 13th June: 40th Anniversary Lunch. Everyone invited. 12 o'clock onwards.
Thursday 5th July: Bouncy Fun Day
Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th July: coffee mornings , the opportunity to view your child's journal and parent consultations.
Friday 13th July: Closed for staff inset day
Wednesday 18th July: Last day and 40th Anniversary Party for all pre-school children.

Autumn term starts: Tuesday 4th September 2012