Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Spring Newsletter 2012

We would like to welcome everyone back to pre-school from Sally, Lynne and the Girls!
Hope you had a lovely holiday.

This is a very special year for our pre-school as we have been running for 40 years!! We will be celebrating with various events in the summer term, with a party for our children and a buffet lunch which will also include parent/carers and staff, both past and present. If you know anyone who has attended pre-school as either a child or a member of staff and would like to join our celebrations please contact us. We hope to have an article in the local paper and possibly a visit from the mayor. We will also be holding our usual coffee morning events.

Our theme this term is In the Garden. We are looking at animals that may come into our gardens, also Chinese New Year, Mother's Day and Easter. For Chinese New year the children helped to make a dragon which they paraded around the hall with one person in the head section and the others under the body as the legs. We then talked about where China is in relation to England and how you would get there. We tried some prawn crackers and lychees and the children all took home a drag9on they had made and a fortune cookie.

Thank you for your continued support in supplying fruit. The children really look forward to this part of the morning.

Dates for your diary:
Half term: Mon 13th Feb to Fri 17th Feb
Coffee mornings: Wed 22nd and Thurs 23rd Feb
Fundraising meeting: Mon 27th Feb. 9.15am to 10am (approx)
Tempest Portrait Photos: Tues 27th March. Very good value for money. Siblings welcome.
Spring holiday/ Easter: Mon 2nd April to Fri 13th April.
Summer term begins: Mon 16th April 2012.

If you have any questions please pop in and see us.

Any new parent/carers wishing to view pre-school please pop in after 10am. any morning.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Spring Term


We hope that you have all had a lovely christmas and enjoyed the break.

Spring term starts on Monday 9th January 2012.

Our next newsletter will be out shortly, and we all look forward to seeing you next term.