Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Newsletter Autumn 2012

The staff of St George's Pre-school would like to welcome all our children, parents and carers. We hope you enjoyed your summer holidays!!

Our theme this term is Colours. We will be exploring colours through our craft projects, Divali, firework night and Christmas.We would appreciate any support you can give us by reinforcing colours at every opportunity with your child. We hope the children will find this experience great fun!

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 23rd October 2012 at 9.15 in Pre-school. We have changed the time of this meeting (from an evening meeting) in the hope that parent/carers may find this an easier time to attend. If your child does not attend pre-school that morning you are welcome to leave them with the pre-school assistants for the duration of the meeting. We value your comments and your support so please write this in your diary!!

We will be holding a fundraising Clothes Collection the week commencing 22nd October so if you are having a clear out please think of us. Sacks available from pre-school or just use a black sack!!

Thank you for your continuing support in supplying fruit and vegetables for the children. They really enjoy this!!

Dates for your diary
  • Week commencing 22nd October: Fundraising clothes collection.
  • Tuesday 23rd October 9.15: Annual General Meeting.
  • Monday 29th October to Friday 2nd November: Half term holiday.
  • Thursday 15th November: Hall closed. No normal session.
  • Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th November: Coffee Mornings.
  • Friday 14th December: Children's Christmas Party 10.30 to 12.30.
  • Friday 14th December: Last day of term.

Monday, 3 September 2012

 The Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

To celebrate the Queen's Jublilee the children made a beautiful card. They drew a picture of their face, and you can see them looking out of the bus windows. They all helped to colour the card. A photographer from the Evening Echo came to pre-school and our photo was in the newspaper. We sent the card to Buckingham Palace and were really pleased to receieve a letter of thanks!



Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Recent Events

Our 40th anniversary buffet lunch was a great success with a visit from the Mayor, members of the community and St George's church and approximately sixty children and parent/carers from past and present!! We had a lovely photo in the Echo and a memorable time was had by all. The children's party will be on 18th July with a show by Papalarni.

We will be holding a Bouncy Fun Day on Thursday 5th July for all the children, with a bouncy castle, a ball pool and soft play toys.

Coffee mornings will be held on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th July. All parent/carers are welcome. The Learning Journals will be on displayed and parent consultations will be available on request. The eating of cakes is compulsory!!!

In April we had some excellent in-house Makaton training for all staff. In September we are hoping to start "sign of the week" to introduce all children to Makaton sign language. This is used to assist communication skills (one of the Prime Areas of the Revised EYFS).

We have attended various training courses on the Revised EYFS and will be implementing it in September. If you would like to view these changes please visit: www.foundationyears.org.uk

Another useful website for parent/carers to aid communication skills is

Wow! Board.
This is a new notice board in pre-school to share wow factor news from parent/carers, children and staff with everyone. If you have any news e.g. new baby, swimming certificate  etc please come and tell us.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Summer 2012 Newsletter

Welcome back everyone! We look forward to getting to know our new members over the coming weeks.

This terms theme is "Celebrations". We will be looking at the Olympics, the Queen's Jubilee and our own very special 40th Anniversary!

We will be holding a Buffet Lunch on Wednesday 13th June, for children, parent/carers and staff, both past and present. Invites will be sent out shortly but if you would like to join us please give us a call!

The last day of this term is Wednesday 18th July, when we will be holding a party for all pre-school children with Papalarni, to celebrate our anniversary.

We would like to thank everyone for their support with fundraising for pre-school. Our sponsored Olympic Event raised £280!!! We have made a fundraising thermometer to show you the amount raised and what we have bought so far. One of our parents is very kindly organising a boot sale for pre-school so if you have any unwanted bits and bobs please bring them in. We are also hoping to organise a clothes collections week commencing Monday 21st May. Sacks available from pre-school.

Dates for your diary

Monday 7th May: closed for Bank holiday
21st to 25thMay: Clothes collection
Monday 4th June to Friday 8th June: Half term holiday
Wednesday 13th June: 40th Anniversary Lunch. Everyone invited. 12 o'clock onwards.
Thursday 5th July: Bouncy Fun Day
Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th July: coffee mornings , the opportunity to view your child's journal and parent consultations.
Friday 13th July: Closed for staff inset day
Wednesday 18th July: Last day and 40th Anniversary Party for all pre-school children.

Autumn term starts: Tuesday 4th September 2012

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Open Day Wednesday 9th May 2012

Just want to remind everyone................

Open Day taster session on
Wednesday 9th May 2012
12.30pm to 3pm.

If you are looking for a pre-school for your child and want to know more about how we work this would be an excellent opportunity for you and your child to experience a pre-school session. So why not join us for a free afternoon of fun where you will be able to meet and talk to our staff while your child plays. (Refreshments provided.)

We look forward to seeing you!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Spring Newsletter 2012

We would like to welcome everyone back to pre-school from Sally, Lynne and the Girls!
Hope you had a lovely holiday.

This is a very special year for our pre-school as we have been running for 40 years!! We will be celebrating with various events in the summer term, with a party for our children and a buffet lunch which will also include parent/carers and staff, both past and present. If you know anyone who has attended pre-school as either a child or a member of staff and would like to join our celebrations please contact us. We hope to have an article in the local paper and possibly a visit from the mayor. We will also be holding our usual coffee morning events.

Our theme this term is In the Garden. We are looking at animals that may come into our gardens, also Chinese New Year, Mother's Day and Easter. For Chinese New year the children helped to make a dragon which they paraded around the hall with one person in the head section and the others under the body as the legs. We then talked about where China is in relation to England and how you would get there. We tried some prawn crackers and lychees and the children all took home a drag9on they had made and a fortune cookie.

Thank you for your continued support in supplying fruit. The children really look forward to this part of the morning.

Dates for your diary:
Half term: Mon 13th Feb to Fri 17th Feb
Coffee mornings: Wed 22nd and Thurs 23rd Feb
Fundraising meeting: Mon 27th Feb. 9.15am to 10am (approx)
Tempest Portrait Photos: Tues 27th March. Very good value for money. Siblings welcome.
Spring holiday/ Easter: Mon 2nd April to Fri 13th April.
Summer term begins: Mon 16th April 2012.

If you have any questions please pop in and see us.

Any new parent/carers wishing to view pre-school please pop in after 10am. any morning.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Spring Term


We hope that you have all had a lovely christmas and enjoyed the break.

Spring term starts on Monday 9th January 2012.

Our next newsletter will be out shortly, and we all look forward to seeing you next term.