Tuesday, 28 June 2011

A letter from St. James's Palace

Recently we made a congratulations card for the royal wedding, which we posted to the palace. The evening Echo featured us in the paper (see here) which we were delighted about.

It gets even better when we received a response from the palace itself. Please see the attached letter below.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Reminder! Open day Wednesday 11th May

Just want to remind everyone.........
Open Day taster session on
Wednesday 11 May 2011
12.30 pm- 3pm
This is an excellent chance to experience pre-school with your child so why not
join us for an afternoon of fun and meet the staff. (Refreshments will be provided.)

See you there!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Open Day at St George’s Pre-school: Wednesday 11 May 2011

Open Day at St George’s Pre-school.

Wednesday 11th May 2011
 12.30pm until 3pm.

Calling all new parent/carers!!

We would like to invite you and your child to a free taster session at St George’s Pre-school. You are welcome to join us for an afternoon of fun activities, painting, glueing, playdoh, outdoor play and much more.

You will have the opportunity to meet the staff, ask lots of questions and experience the pre-school environment. We strongly feel that as a parent/carer you need to be informed and satisfied that your child will be safe and secure with every opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Sessions are now available for September 2011.

If you would like more information please phone pre-school on 07743 038405 between 9am and 12 noon or alternatively call in and see us.

Refreshments available.

Why not bring a friend? 

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Spring 2011 Newsletter

Hi from all the aunties. We would like to welcome new parents/carers and children. We all look forward to getting to know you over the coming weeks.

Please make a note of our emergency mobile telephone number which is: 07743038405.

Dates for your diary

Half term break begins - Monday 21st February to Friday 25th February.
Spring holiday begins - Monday 11th April to Monday 25h April
Summer term begins - Tuesday 26th April

Bank holiday closures:

Friday 29th April
Monday 2nd May

Close polling day - 5th May

Fund raising
We will be holding a sponsored 'bounce' for the children on Friday 8th April to raise funds for a new wooden book case for the children. Details of this and other events to follow.

Theme for this term
Our theme for this term is letters ands sounds. We will be using a variety of books to explore the letters and sounds of the alphabet.

We would like to promote our Pre-School via the distribution of leaflets. If anyone has any ideas of a good venue, such as a play area or facility which could advertise us, please let us know.

Fruit and Veg
The children really look forward to their fruit snack. However we can only provide this opportunity through the generosity of our parents/carers. As well as the normal run of fruit the children like raisins, carrots, cucumber, and tomatoes. Please continue to support us, it only requires one piece of fruit per week from everyone. Thank you.

Reminder - Health & Safety
Please ensure that you inform the Pre-School of any changes of contact details, medical conditions, allergies etc. that may occur during your child's time at St. Georges.

Could you please ensure that your children wear sensible trainers to Pre-School and tat all clothing is clearly name tagged.

Also, please do not send your child to Pre-School if they are feeling unwell or have an excessively runny nose.

Thank you for your continuing support.

St. Georges